Solar Panels Sunderland
We install commercial solar panels in Sunderland. lf you are looking to install solar panels to your business, please get in touch.
We have been helping businesses and organisations in Sunderland save money on their energy bills by installing solar to their premises.
We have already helped a number of businesses and organisations with solar panels in Sunderland including the University where we’ve installed a number of systems to help them get closer to achieving NetZero.
We cover all business types and areas of Sunderland so whether you are based in Doxford Park, Leechmere, Hendon, Sheepfolds, Southwick or Pallion Industrial Estate, we can install solar to your business in Sunderland.
The are many benefits to installing solar, the main ones being:
1. Save money on your rising energy bills
2. Offset your carbon emissions to reach NetZero
3. Become more sustainable as an organisation

We have many funding options available for your solar panel installation in Sunderland including CapEx, Asset Finance and Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) where an energy company fund the panels for you.
We have been in business since 2012 and have a very efficient installation process. Once given the go ahead, we will process all applications to the grid, then our team will work with you to install the panels ensuring minimal disruption to your day to day operations.
You can find out more about us in our company video on our about us page, and see which companies we have helped with solar panels in and around the Sunderland area on our case studies section. Please get in touch to discuss installing solar panels to your premises in Sunderland.